from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np import sympy as sp from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation print('Ready') class Curve: # class for the initial line and ultimate polynomial def __init__(self, init_data, data, degree, zorder = -1): self.init_x_data, self.init_y_data = init_data[0], init_data[1] self.init_slope, self.init_intercept = np.polyfit(self.init_x_data, self.init_y_data, 1) if self.init_slope == 0: # fix reciprocal problem if the slope is 0 self.init_slope = 1e-6 self.x_data, self.y_data = data[0], data[1] self.data_slope, self.data_intercept = np.polyfit(self.x_data, self.y_data, 1) if self.data_slope == 0: # fix reciprocal problem if the slope is 0 self.data_slope = 1e-6 = degree self._zorder = zorder (self.average_x, self.average_y) = (np.average(x_data), np.average(y_data)) self.trans_slope, self.trans_intercept = self.init_slope, self.init_intercept if degree == 1: self.line_distance_diff, self.line_slope_angle_diff = self.get_line_info_and_perp( (self.average_x,self.average_y))[0:2] self.plot, = ax.plot((MIN_PLOT, MAX_PLOT), (MAX_PLOT * self.init_slope + self.init_intercept, MAX_PLOT * self.init_slope + self.init_intercept), lw = 3, color = FIT_LINE_COLOR, zorder = self._zorder) else: data_poly_fit = np.polyfit(x_data, y_data, self.data_poly_eval = np.poly1d(data_poly_fit) self.plot, = ax.plot(X_SPACED, self.data_poly_eval(X_SPACED), lw = 3, color = FIT_LINE_COLOR, zorder = self._zorder) polynomial_spacing = + 2 # the number of points used to make the polynomial oscillation smooth self.poly_x_spaced = np.linspace(MIN_PLOT, MAX_PLOT, polynomial_spacing) self.poly_distances = [self.data_poly_eval(a) - (a * self.data_slope + self.data_intercept) for a in self.poly_x_spaced] def intercept_oscillate(self, time): trans_line_distance = self.line_distance_diff * get_osc_funct(time) line_perp_slope = -1 / self.init_slope line_perp_angle = np.arctan(line_perp_slope) (line_point_x, line_point_y) = (self.average_x + trans_line_distance * np.cos(line_perp_angle), self.average_y + trans_line_distance * np.sin(line_perp_angle)) self.trans_slope = self.init_slope self.trans_intercept = line_point_y - self.init_slope * line_point_x def slope_oscillate(self, time): trans_slope_angle_difference = self.line_slope_angle_diff * get_osc_funct(time) self.trans_slope = np.tan(trans_slope_angle_difference + np.arctan(self.data_slope)) self.trans_intercept = self.average_y - self.trans_slope * self.average_x return self.trans_slope, self.trans_intercept def get_line_info_and_perp(self, data_point): # transform line equation into Hess form (w1, w2, b) = (-self.trans_slope, 1, -self.trans_intercept) # apply the distance formula d = (w·x+b)/||w|| to get the distance # between where we are and where we want to be line_distance_diff = (np.array((w1, w2)) @ np.array(data_point) + b) / np.linalg.norm((w1, w2)) # also get the difference in slope between where we are # and where we want to be slope_angle_diff = np.arctan2(self.trans_slope, 1) - np.arctan2(self.data_slope, 1) line_perp_slope = -1 / self.trans_slope line_perp_angle = np.arctan2(line_perp_slope, 1) # fix a problem with the connecting lines sometimes pointing in the wrong direction line_distance_diff = line_distance_diff * self.trans_slope / abs(self.trans_slope) (line_point_x, line_point_y) = (data_point[0] + line_distance_diff * np.cos(line_perp_angle), data_point[1] + line_distance_diff * np.sin(line_perp_angle)) return line_distance_diff, slope_angle_diff, (line_point_x, line_point_y) # write a function to get the best-fitting polynomial as we oscillate around the final polynomial def get_polynomial(self, time): trans_poly_distances = [x * (1 - get_osc_funct(time)) for x in self.poly_distances] trans_poly_x = [a for a, b in zip(self.poly_x_spaced, trans_poly_distances)] trans_poly_y = [self.data_slope * a + self.data_intercept + b for a, b in zip(self.poly_x_spaced, trans_poly_distances)] self.trans_poly_fit = np.polyfit(trans_poly_x, trans_poly_y, self.trans_poly_eval = np.poly1d(self.trans_poly_fit) # write a function to get the closest point between a data point and a polynomial def get_closest_point(self, data_point): x = sp.symbols("x") list0 = np.ndarray.tolist(self.trans_poly_fit) poly_fit_sym = sp.Poly(list0, x) # take the derivative of the fitted polynomial poly_deriv_sym = poly_fit_sym.diff(x) # set the following term to zero to minimize the (square of the) distance between the point and polynomial equation = x - data_point[0] + (poly_fit_sym - data_point[1]) * poly_deriv_sym coeff = sp.Poly(equation).all_coeffs() solved = np.roots(coeff) # chop any tiny imaginary component arising from the numerical solution solved = solved.real[abs(solved.imag) < 1e-6] dist = [(n - data_point[0])**2 + (self.data_poly_eval(n) - data_point[1])**2 for n in solved] # get distances solved = solved[np.argmin(dist)] # get shortest distance if there's more than one return solved, self.trans_poly_eval(solved) def dim(self, time, speedup = 1): self.plot.set_alpha(max(1 - speedup * time, 0)) def brighten(self, time, speedup = 1): self.plot.set_alpha(min(speedup * time, 1)) class Connector: # thin perpendicular connector lines between each point and fitting curve def __init__(self, data): x_data, y_data = data[0], data[1] self.connector_line = [] for i in range(len(x_data)): (line_point_x, line_point_y) = line_1.get_line_info_and_perp((x_data[i], y_data[i]))[2] self.connector_line_component, = ax.plot((x_data[i], line_point_x), (y_data[i], line_point_y), lw = 1, color = 'r', zorder = -1) self.connector_line.append(self.connector_line_component) def update(self, object): for j in range(len(x_data)): if == 1: (line_point_x, line_point_y) = object.get_line_info_and_perp((x_data[j], y_data[j]))[2] else: (line_point_x, line_point_y) = object.get_closest_point((x_data[j], y_data[j])) self.connector_line[j].set_xdata((x_data[j], line_point_x)) self.connector_line[j].set_ydata((y_data[j], line_point_y)) def brighten(self, time, speedup = 1): for j in range(len(x_data)): # the connector lines fade in self.connector_line[j].set_alpha(min(time, 1)) def dim(self, time, speedup = 1): for j in range(len(x_data)): self.connector_line[j].set_alpha(max(1 - speedup * time, 0)) class Animate: def __init__(self, fig, frame_list, smoothness): self.smoothness = smoothness self.frame_names = [i[0] for i in frame_list] self.frame_durations = [self.smoothness * i[1] for i in frame_list] print("Starting to accumulate animation frames") anim = FuncAnimation(fig, self.update, frames = sum(self.frame_durations), interval = 100 / self.smoothness, init_func = self.initial, blit = False)'animation.gif', dpi = 72, writer = 'imagemagick') def time_past(self, period): # total time before a certain segment return sum(self.frame_durations[0:self.frame_names.index(period)]) def time_future(self, period): # total time including a certain segment return sum(self.frame_durations[0:self.frame_names.index(period) + 1]) def time_present(self, period): # duration of a certain segment return self.frame_durations[self.frame_names.index(period)] def normalized_time(self, i, period): # how far we are into a certain segment return (i - self.time_past(period)) / self.time_present(period) def effective_time(self, i, period): # used as the time in the oscillation function return (i - self.time_past(period)) / self.smoothness def initial(self): return (line_1.plot, line_2.plot, connectors.connector_line,) def update(self, i): print(f"Frame: {i+1}") if i == 0: line_1.plot.set_alpha(1) # the first line is set as visible line_1.intercept_oscillate(0) # initialize the first line (is this necessary?) line_2.plot.set_alpha(0) # the second line is set as invisible line_2.intercept_oscillate(0) # initialize the second line (is this necessary?) poly.plot.set_alpha(0) # the polynomial is set as invisible connectors.update(line_1) if i <= self.time_future('fadein'): # this is the component line fade-in part connectors.brighten(self.normalized_time(i, 'fadein')) elif i <= self.time_future('fadein_pause'): # pause if desired pass elif i <= self.time_future('intercept_oscillate'): # this the line translation part line_1.intercept_oscillate(self.effective_time(i, 'intercept_oscillate')) line_1.plot.set_ydata((MIN_PLOT * line_1.trans_slope + line_1.trans_intercept, MAX_PLOT * line_1.trans_slope + line_1.trans_intercept)) connectors.update(line_1) elif i <= self.time_future('slope_oscillate'): # this is the line rotation part line_1.slope_oscillate(self.effective_time(i, 'slope_oscillate')) line_1.plot.set_ydata((MIN_PLOT * line_1.trans_slope + line_1.trans_intercept, MAX_PLOT * line_1.trans_slope + line_1.trans_intercept)) connectors.update(line_1) elif i <= self.time_future('slope_pause'): # pause if desired pass elif i <= self.time_future('poly_oscillate'): # this is the polynomial part line_1.plot.set_alpha(0) poly.plot.set_alpha(1) poly.get_polynomial(self.effective_time(i, 'poly_oscillate')) poly.plot.set_ydata(poly.trans_poly_eval(X_SPACED)) connectors.update(poly) elif i <= self.time_future('poly_pause'): # pause if desired pass elif i <= self.time_future('fadeout'): # fade from the correctly fitted line to the original line # speed up the fade-out a little relative to the fade-in speedup = 2 norm_time = self.normalized_time(i, 'fadeout') connectors.dim(norm_time, speedup) poly.dim(norm_time, speedup) line_2.brighten(norm_time, 1) elif i <= self.time_future('fadeout_pause'): # pause if desired pass return (line_1.plot, line_2.plot, connectors.connector_line,) def get_random_points(no_of_points, mean_x, sd_x, mean_y, sd_y, function): x_data = np.random.normal(mean_x, sd_x, no_of_points) y_data = np.random.normal(mean_y, sd_y, no_of_points) for idx, val in enumerate(y_data): # add an arbitrary cubic function y_data[idx] = (y_data[idx] + function.subs(x, x_data[idx])) # keep only data points that lie inside the plotted area check_limits_array = np.transpose(np.array([x_data, y_data])) x_data = [x[0] for x in check_limits_array if MIN_PLOT < x[0] < MAX_PLOT and MIN_PLOT < x[1] < MAX_PLOT] y_data = [x[1] for x in check_limits_array if MIN_PLOT < x[0] < MAX_PLOT and MIN_PLOT < x[1] < MAX_PLOT] no_of_actual_points = len(x_data) return x_data, y_data, no_of_actual_points # write an oscillation function that overshoots and then settles down def get_osc_funct(time): # set some spring, mass, damper values that provide pleasing oscillation k = 4 # spring value m = 1 # mass value c = 1.2 # damper value wn = np.sqrt(k / m) # natural frequency z = c / (2 * m * wn) # damping coefficient wd = np.sqrt(1 - z**2) * wn # damped natural frequency # two equivalent functions to find the displacement over time; either works osc_funct = np.exp(-z * wn * time) * (np.cos(wd * time) + z / np.sqrt(1 - z**2) * np.sin(wd * time)) return osc_funct NO_OF_POINTS = 15 (MEAN_X, SD_X) = (5, 5) (MEAN_Y, SD_Y) = (6, 0.70) x = sp.symbols("x") (MIN_PLOT, MAX_PLOT) = (0, 10) CUBIC = (x - (MAX_PLOT - MIN_PLOT) / 2) / 2 - 1 / 10 * (x - (MAX_PLOT - MIN_PLOT) / 2)**3 x_data, y_data, no_of_actual_points = get_random_points(NO_OF_POINTS, MEAN_X, SD_X, MEAN_Y, SD_Y, CUBIC) # pick some initial fitting line properties; # the line will pop up from this arrangement INIT_LINE_INTERCEPT = 1 INIT_LINE_SLOPE = 0 FIT_LINE_COLOR = '0.5' PLOT_POINT_NUMBER = 50 X_SPACED = np.linspace(MIN_PLOT, MAX_PLOT, PLOT_POINT_NUMBER) POLY_DEGREE = 3 # define figure and axes and set some graphing parameters fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (4, 4)) ax.set_aspect(1) plt.rc('font', size = 16) marker_style = dict(linestyle = 'none', markersize = 10, markeredgecolor = 'k') = None) fig.set_facecolor('#c0c0c0') plt.rcParams['savefig.facecolor'] = '#c0c0c0' ax.spines['bottom'].set_position('zero') ax.spines['left'].set_position('zero') # plot the axes plt.xticks(np.arange(MIN_PLOT, MAX_PLOT + 1, 2), fontsize = 10) plt.yticks(np.arange(MIN_PLOT, MAX_PLOT + 1, 2), fontsize = 10) plt.xlim([MIN_PLOT - 1, MAX_PLOT + 1]) plt.ylim([MIN_PLOT - 1, MAX_PLOT + 1]) ax.annotate('', xy = (MIN_PLOT, MAX_PLOT + 1), xytext = (MIN_PLOT, MIN_PLOT - 0.1), arrowprops = {'arrowstyle': '->', 'lw': 1, 'facecolor': 'k'}, va = 'center') ax.annotate('', xy = (MAX_PLOT + 1, MIN_PLOT), xytext = (MIN_PLOT - 0.1, MIN_PLOT), arrowprops = {'arrowstyle': '->', 'lw': 1, 'facecolor': 'k'}, va = 'center', zorder = -1) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, top=0.95, bottom=0.05, wspace=0.0, hspace=0.0) # plot the data points ax.plot(x_data, y_data, marker = "o", markerfacecolor = 'red', **marker_style, zorder = 0) # now make the fitting lines - the first one moves; # the second fades back in at the end line_1 = Curve(((0, 1),(INIT_LINE_INTERCEPT, INIT_LINE_INTERCEPT + INIT_LINE_SLOPE)), (x_data, y_data), degree = 1) line_2 = Curve(((0, 1),(INIT_LINE_INTERCEPT, INIT_LINE_INTERCEPT + INIT_LINE_SLOPE)), (x_data, y_data), degree = 1) poly = Curve(((0, 1),(INIT_LINE_INTERCEPT, INIT_LINE_INTERCEPT + INIT_LINE_SLOPE)), (x_data, y_data), degree = POLY_DEGREE) connectors = Connector((x_data, y_data)) # define the duration of each segment of the fitting animation FRAME_LIST = [['fadein', 6], ['fadein_pause', 2], ['intercept_oscillate', 8], ['slope_oscillate', 8], ['slope_pause', 2], ['poly_oscillate', 8], ['poly_pause', 2], ['fadeout', 6], ['fadeout_pause', 2]] SMOOTHNESS = 5 Animate(fig, FRAME_LIST, SMOOTHNESS) print('Done')