Journal (* = >100 citations)
Swallow J G, Kim J J, Maloney J M, Chen D, Smith J F, Bishop S R, Tuller H L, Van Vliet K J 2017 Dynamic chemical expansion of thin film non-stoichiometric oxides at extreme temperatures Nature Materials
published online 8 May 2017
Cai P, Takahashi R, Kuribayashi-Shigetomi K, Subagyo A, Sueoka K, Maloney J M, Van Vliet K J, and Okajima T
2017 Temporal variation in power-law rheology of single cells spans the ensemble variation of cell populations Biophys J
113 671-678
Maloney J M, Van Vliet K J 2014 Chemoenvironmental modulators of fluidity in the suspended biological cell Soft Matter 10 8031-8042
Maloney J M, Lehnhardt E, Long A F, Van Vliet K J 2013 Mechanical fluidity of fully suspended biological cells Biophys J 109 1767-1777
Cai P, Mizutani Y, Tsuchiya M, Maloney J M, Fabry B, Van Vliet K J, Okajima T 2013 Quantifying cell-to-cell variation in power-law rheology Biophys J 105 1093-1102
Qu M, Woodford W H, Maloney J M, Carter W C, Chiang Y-M, Van Vliet K J 2012 Nanomechanical quantification of elastic, plastic, and fracture properties of LiCoO2 Advanced Energy Materials DOI: 0.1002/aenm.201200107
* Maloney J M, Nikova D, Lautenschläger F, Clarke E, Langer R, Guck J, Van Vliet K J 2010 Mesenchymal stem cell mechanics from the attached to the suspended state Biophys J 99 2479-2487
Lee S and Zeiger A, Maloney J M, Kotecki M, Van Vliet K J, Herman I M 2010 Pericyte actomyosin-mediated contraction at the cell-material interface can modulate the microvascular niche J Physics: Condensed Matter 22 194115
* Maloney J M, Walton E B, Bruce C B, Van Vliet K J 2008 Influence of finite thickness and stiffness on cellular
adhesion-induced deformation of compliant substrata Physical Review E 78 041923
Krishnan R, Walton E B, Oommen B, Maloney J M, Van Vliet K J 2008 Modeling and simulation of chemomechanics at the cell-matrix interface Cell Adhesion Migration 2 13-24
* Prescott J and Lipka S A, Baldwin S B,
Sheppard N F Jr, Maloney J M, Coppeta J, Yomtov B, Staples M,
Santini J T Jr 2006 Chronic,
programmed protein delivery from an implanted, multi-reservoir
microchip device Nat Biotechnol 24 437-438
* Maloney
J M, Uhland S, Polito B, Sheppard N F Jr, Pelta C, Santini J T Jr 2005 Electrothermally activated microchips for implantable drug delivery and
biosensing J Controlled Release 109 244-255
* Maloney
J M, Schreiber D S, DeVoe D L 2004 Large-force electrothermal linear micromotors J Micromech Microeng
14 226-234
Maloney J M, Van Vliet K J 2011 On the origin and extent of mechanical variation among cells, arXiv:1104.0702v2
Paradise R K, Zeiger A S, Maloney J M, Van Vliet K J 2011 Chemomechanics of ligand-receptor interactions that modulate cell adhesion 34th Annual Meeting of
The Adhesion Society (Savannah, GA)
Yoder K B, Maloney
J M, Coppeta J 2008 Strength and fatigue life of nanocrystalline titanium/platinum multilayer membranes for implantable MEMS reservoir array devices Proceedings
MRS (Boston, MA)
J M, Lipka S A, Baldwin S P 2005 In vivo biostability of CVD
silicon oxide and silicon nitride films Proceedings
MRS 872 (San Francisco, CA)
G L, Maloney J M, Fan L, DeVoe D L 2001 Large displacement
microactuators in deep reactive ion etched single crystal silicon
SPIE 4559 138-147 (San Francisco, CA)
J M, DeVoe D L, Schreiber D S 2001 Electrothermal linear
micromotors fabricated from deep reactive ion etching of single
crystal silicon ASME IMECE (New York, NY) (abstract)
D S, Cheng W-J, Maloney J M, DeVoe D L 2001 Surface
micromachined electrothermal microstepper motors ASME
IMECE (New York, NY)
J M, DeVoe D L, Schreiber D S 2000 Analysis and design of
electrothermal actuators fabricated from single crystal silicon ASME IMECE (Orlando, FL) (abstract
& picture)
C R, Tsai L-W, DeVoe D L, Maloney J M 2000 Modeling and batch fabrication of spatial micro-manipulators ASME
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences
(Baltimore, MD)
Posters, extended
abstracts, and talks
Zhou H, Maloney J M, Knapp A M, Simmons C S, Subhash G, Sarntinoranont M 2019 Application of micro-Raman spectroscopy to characterization of hydrogels poster presented at SB3C (Seven Springs, PA)
Swallow J G, Kim J J, Maloney J M, Chen D, Smith J F, Bishop S R, Tuller H L, Van Vliet K J 2016 Dynamic chemical expansion of thin film non-stoichiometric oxides at extreme temperatures abstract presented at ECS (San Diego, CA)
Swallow J G, Kim J J, Chen D, Bishop S R, Maloney J M, Smith J F, Tuller H L, Van Vliet K J 2015 In situ characterization of dynamic chemical expansion in non-stoichiometric oxides abstract presented at MRS (Boston, MA)
Maloney J M and Van Vliet K J 2014 Chemoenvironmental modulators of fluidity in the suspended biological cell abstract presented at MRS (Boston, MA)
Maloney J M, Lehnhardt E, Long A F, Van Vliet K J 2014 Fluidity as a mechanical property of the fully suspended cell poster presented at World Congress Biomechanics (Boston, MA) Maloney J M, Long A F, Van Vliet K J 2013 Whole-cell fluidity elucidates effects of physical and chemical environments on the suspended cell poster presented at ASCB Annual Meeting (New Orleans, LA) Maloney J M, Lehnhardt E, Long A F, Van Vliet K J 2013 Fluidity as a mechanical property of the fully suspended cell abstract presented at MRS (Boston, MA) Maloney J M, Lehnhardt E, Long A F, Van Vliet K J 2013 Fluidity as a mechanical property of the fully suspended cell poster presented at Mechanobiology of Proteins and Cells (Salisbury Cove, ME)
Qu M, Woodford W, Maloney J M, Carter C, Chiang Y-M, Van Vliet K J 2012 On the fracture toughness of polycrystalline LiCoO2 abstract presented at TMS Annual Meeting (Orlando, FL) Maloney J M, Lehnhardt E, Van Vliet K J 2012 On the origin and extent of mechanical variation among cells poster presented at APS (Boston, MA)
Maloney J M, Lehnhardt E, Van Vliet K J 2011 Suspended cell rheology in the frequency domain as characterized by optical stretching abstract presented at MRS (Boston, MA)
Van Vliet K J, Zeiger A S, Maloney J M, Paradise R K 2011 Chemomechanics at the cell-material interface: Pulling it all together minisymposium paper presented at IEEE EMBC (Boston, MA)
Van Vliet K J, Maloney J M 2011 Chemomechanics of cell deformation in the attached and suspended states keynote address presented at Society for Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference (Uncasville, CT)
Maloney J M, Van Vliet K J 2011 The origin and limits of natural variation in cell mechanical behavior poster presented at Biophysical Society Annual Meeting (Baltimore, MD)
Maloney J M, Van Vliet K J 2010 Soft glassy rheology and the origin of cell mechanical variation poster presented at ASCB (Philadelphia, PA)
Maloney J M, Nikova D, Lautenschläger F, Clarke E, Langer R, Guck J, Van Vliet K J 2010 Mesenchymal stem cell mechanics from the attached to the suspended state abstract presented at MRS (Boston, MA)
Zeiger A S, Kotecki M, Maloney J M, Herman I M, Van Vliet K J 2010 Pericyte actomyosin-mediated contraction at the cell-material interface can modulate the microvascular niche abstract presented at MRS (Boston, MA)
Maloney J M, Lautenschläger F, Langer R, Guck J, Van Vliet K J 2009 Mechanical characterization of primary
human mesenchymal stem cells via dual-beam optical stretching poster presented at ASCB (San Diego, CA)
Van Vliet K J, Walton E B, Krishnan R, Maloney J M 2009 Modeling effects of mechanical microenvironments on adhesion kinetics at the cell-matrix interface abstract presented at 10th United States National Congress on Computational Mechanics (Columbus, OH)
Maloney J M, Krishnan R, Zeiger A, Van Vliet K J 2009 Chemomechanics of cell-material interaction kinetics over large ranges of length and time scales abstract presented at MRS (Boston, MA)
Lipka S A, Maloney J M 2006 Biostability
of materials for an implanted drug delivery device extended
abstract presented at SFB (Pittsburgh, PA)
J M, Santini J T Jr 2004 Implantable microchips for controlled
drug delivery extended abstract presented at IEEE EMBS
(San Francisco, CA)
S P, Anderson J M, Voskerician G, Maloney J M, Lipka S A,
Sheppard N F Jr, Uhland S A, Pelta C M 2004 Biocompatibility,
biostability, and functionality of a drug delivery microchip
extended abstract presented at 7th World Biomaterials Congress
(Sydney, Australia)
J M 2003 An implantable microfabricated drug delivery system
extended abstract presented at ASME IMECE (Washington
U.S. 8,277,440 Implantable device for controlled, extended delivery of parathyroid hormone U.S. 8,211,092 Containment device with multi-layer reservoir cap structure U.S. 7,910,151 Method for making device for controlled reservoir opening by electrothermal ablation U.S. 7,510,551; U.S. 7,455,667 Controlled release device and
method using electrothermal ablation U.S. 7,497,855 Method and device for the controlled delivery of parathyroid hormone U.S. 7,497,846 Hermetically sealed microchip reservoir devices U.S. 7,413,846 Fabrication methods and structures for micro-reservoir devices U.S.
6,875,208 Microchip devices with improved reservoir opening U.S.
6,827,250 Methods for hermetically sealing microchip reservoir
U.S. application #20090024113 Multi-reservoir medical device having protected interior walls
U.S. application #20080168921 Method for making device for controlled reservoir opening by electrothermal ablation
U.S. application #20050055014 Methods for accelerated release of
material from a reservoir device


Grad school reunion in Oakland, 2024.
With my old MicroCHIPS pal Sara, 2023. |


Hanging out in SF with Yara, 2019.
With my high school buddy Francis, 2017. |


Scaring my PI on a group trip, 2013.
Out with my officemates, Ranjani and Joan, 2009. |


With Katie at Kristen's wedding, 2007.
Skiing in Maine with Dave and Julia, 2006. |


the Red Sox sweep the 2004 Series with Woo, Pete, Meghan, JD,
Todd, and Sara.
my 30th birthday with Jim and Brenda, 2004. |


Christina from MicroCHIPS at the 2002 summer picnic.
City, MD, 2001. |


me, and Nate at my cocktail party, waiting for Dave to finish
hamming it up, 2001. |
the Maryland MEMS Lab in the Myers Building, 2000. |


Year's Eve 1999 in Vegas, baby: (clockwise from top) Sunny, Ivan, Eddie, me, and Alex.
picture from 1999, in front of our new clean room in the Martin


1996 with Carri at the Prometheus Co., Inc.
Vawter Hall at Virginia Tech with Marc and Rob, 1992.